Android 15 beta preview : New Features and APIs

Exploring Android 15: New Features and APIs


Android 15 brings a slew of exciting features and APIs for developers, enhancing the capabilities of apps on the platform. In this blog post, we'll dive into the key additions introduced in Android 15, offering insights into how they can be leveraged to create richer user experiences.

Android 15 beta features

1. In-app camera controls:
Android 15 introduces enhanced control over the camera hardware, empowering developers to fine-tune image capture in their apps. This includes advanced flash strength adjustments and HDR headroom control, providing greater flexibility and control over the imaging process.

Example: A photography app can utilize these features to offer users precise control over flash intensity and ensure optimal HDR rendering for high-quality images.

2. Loudness control:
With support for the CTA-2075 loudness standard, Android 15 addresses audio loudness inconsistencies, delivering a more seamless listening experience for users. Developers can integrate this feature by ensuring loudness metadata in AAC content and enabling the platform feature in their apps.

Example: Music streaming apps can dynamically adjust audio levels based on the characteristics of output devices, ensuring consistent loudness across different tracks.

Android 15 beta features about audio

3. Low Light Boost:
Android 15 introduces Low Light Boost, an auto-exposure mode designed to enhance image preview in low-light conditions. Unlike traditional night mode, Low Light Boost provides real-time enhancement of images, enabling users to capture brighter, clearer photos even in challenging lighting scenarios.

Example: Camera apps can utilize Low Light Boost to improve visibility for users when capturing photos or scanning QR codes in dimly lit environments.

4. Virtual MIDI 2.0 devices:
Expanding on MIDI 2.0 support introduced in Android 13, Android 15 extends UMP support to virtual MIDI apps. This enables composition apps to control synthesizer apps as virtual MIDI 2.0 devices, opening up new possibilities for music creation and collaboration on the platform.

Midi functioning in Android 15 beta features apis

Example: Music production apps can seamlessly integrate with virtual MIDI devices, allowing users to control synthesizers and other instruments directly within the app.

5. Satellite support:
Android 15 enhances platform support for satellite connectivity, offering improved detection and utilization of non-terrestrial networks by apps. This includes UI elements to provide users with awareness of satellite connectivity status and support for messaging apps to utilize satellite connectivity for sending and receiving messages.

Android 15 beta features and apis

Example: Messaging apps can leverage satellite connectivity to ensure message delivery in remote areas with limited terrestrial network coverage, enhancing communication reliability for users.

Android 15 brings a wealth of new features and APIs that empower developers to create innovative and immersive experiences for users. By harnessing the capabilities offered by these enhancements, developers can push the boundaries of app development on the Android platform, delivering richer and more engaging experiences across a variety of use cases.
