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Showing posts with the label Progressive Web Apps

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5 Reasons to Choose Progressive web apps over native apps

Web apps are the new Edge invention  to Application web stores. Web apps are taking over Native apps in many manners. Most major brands are making their way to web apps. Progressive Web apps  Progressive Web Apps are basically an upgrade over web apps , can be developed with minimal knowledge of Java coding and Html knowledge. Progressive Web Apps does not require any kind of different coding to run in any specific Operating system like Android, iOS, and Windows. While making a native app , we need to develop a whole idea over an operating system which takes a lot of coding and can only be accessed on an operating system. Here we'll go through the 5 main reasons to switch your interest to Progressive Web Apps over Native apps. 5 Reasons To Choose Progressive web apps over Native apps 1. Pwas are basically web apps, and can be accessed offline and online. 2. Pwas doesn't require any kind of operating system oriented programming, and can be made on simple coding over a website. 3