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Showing posts with the label correlation between web3 and HTML5

Microsoft releases new version of Office that doesn't require updates and Subs

Web3 and HTML5: Unveiling the Future of the Decentralized Web"

Understanding the Evolution: Web3 and HTML5-can bring the gap we are filling by combining the experience of internet  .  HTML5 and web3 are the components which helps us to understand the reliability of security And working of decentralisation of internet based tokens   When discussing the future of the internet, two terms that frequently surface are Web3 and HTML5. While they might seem like separate entities, understanding their relationship can offer insights into how the web is evolving.  What is Web3? Web3 is the next-generation internet, decentralized and built on blockchain technology. Unlike Web2, where data is controlled by centralized entities, Web3 promotes a more user-centric approach where data ownership is returned to the users. This shift is empowering and potentially revolutionary, paving the way for a more secure, transparent, and democratized web. The Role of HTML5 in Web3 HTML5, the latest evolution of the Hypertext Markup Language, is the backbone of co